Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A War That Is Never Ending

The war in Iraq is on the news every day and has been for the past 7-9 years. Even though the war actually started on March 20th, 2003. We as Americans have been fighting the war much longer than that. We have been over in Iraq for nearly 20 years. The war in Iraq started by trying to find weapons of mass destruction and even after we have found no weapons of that sort, we are still there and Americans are wondering why.

The United States Of America has been on the ground in Iraq since the Gulf Slaughter in 1991. ( 1 ) So actually we as a country have been fighting in Iraq for almost 19 years and every one of them has brought a little more peace to the country. Why is it taking the U.S. so long to end the war and pull our troops out? Well as seen on the news there are many problems still to face in Iraq. From the election attempts, suicide bombers and terrorist that are still in Iraq and causing problems.

As for our men and women that are serving overseas and are giving there lives for our freedom and their country, it is there choice to join the military. As Americans across the country are having protest to pull our troops out of Iraq we are still there and there is an explanation for it. The country still needs the help of The United States and other countries. As a service member joining the military in the time of war, we joined knowingly having to take a chance of going over to the war in Iraq. It is their choice and no one else's to join and they are making a difference over in Iraq.

The war in Iraq has taken many lives and have wounded countless others. Since 2003, the United States of America has lost 4,287 brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. ( For a war that is deemed unnecessary and a wrong path for our country to take, has taken lives but has saved thousands others. Our troops over there are saving lives and giving freedom to the people who haven't had that choice. Freedom is something that we take for granted but is luxury for other countries that do not have it. Speculations are that the United States first started the war to gain access to the oil pipe lines there in Iraq.(Proquest-Digital National Security Archive) If that was the case shouldn't our gas prices be dropping right now instead of increasing?

The number of troops that are pulling out of Iraq have increased in the past year. Troops will be over there for years to come and as they should be. In 2003 the United States had over two hundred thousand troops in Iraq and now there are ninety five thousand. ( There are many service members all over the world and are their to help out the countries and to strategically place our troops around the world in case of a break out in war. The United States is ready and prepared for war and will do so for a long time.

War is inevitable and will be so for years and years to come. Our country is like a police force helping out the world and countries that cannot provide that type of security. We are still a young country and are learning from some of the mistakes in the past but will always be there for countries that need our help. We will never give in to terrorist and the acts they do around the world. Our country has a past with wars and unfortunately our future will endure the same fate as our past. The war in Iraq will end when the country can defend itself and give freedom and opportunities to its people. That time is regrettably not at this point but hopefully soon.

1 comment:

  1. i really got into your essay and i loved it. You know i woiuld love for gas to go down like it was before. I see that people are their to help one in need. good job Ryan
